Monday, March 28, 2011


I guess it is correct to now call Emily a 'toddler'. Hard for me to grasp that she isn't really a baby anymore, but I can still call her MY baby, which I do all the time! But I guess the fact that she is walking, talking (her own language) and she is almost 14 months old now...she in fact is a toddler. I guess this momma just needs to accept it that she isn't the tiny, helpless little babe I brought home from the hospital yesterday. Oops, I mean over a year ago! Where does time go seriously.

Emily is truly a joy. She has her moments lately since she is developing her little attitude and her independent nature, for which I am trying to be consistent in my word choice and actions for discipline, but the majority of the time, she is a joy. I have been talking to her about the new baby, her sister. I don't think she gets a word that I am saying but I am hoping that repetitive telling her will somehow make it stick that she is going to be a big sister. I am thankful that in less than 5 months now I will have that tiny, helpless, babe back in my arms and in the house. It will be fun, hard, tiring, exciting, the list will go on and on...

I have also been talking to Emily about learning to use the big girl potty. I know she is only 14 months, but again, I am hoping that repetition in 'practicing' and 'sitting on the potty' will stick and she can be potty trained sometime before too terribly long. ANY words of advice from other mommas or whoever, is very welcome and will be much appreciated. Funny story about this potty training adventure. I bought her a training potty last week at Target when we went to visit my sis. I placed it in her bathroom by the big potty. Before bathtime/bedtime I have been sitting her on it and just waiting to see what happens and talking to her about what is supposed to happen. The first night we did this was last Wednesday night and I kid you not, after about 20 seconds of her sitting up on her tiny throne and me having to re-place her up there a couple times, she tinkled. I was surprised and shocked. I clapped and praised her, she laughed at me and clapped her hands too all the while probably thinking 'You're crazy mommy!' I know she didn't and doesn't understand what she did, but it was a big deal to me and I hope for more days like that to come and for an understanding on her part to figure the potty training bit out. Definitely coincidence that it happened that way though I'm pretty sure, since Thursday night we did the same thing and right after no action, I put her in the bathtub and watched her immediately tinkle! LOL. Give it time, Leah, give it time!

She is in to everything! 

She LOVES her sleep. I find her in all kinds of positions in her bed. 

Another sign that she is a BIG girl...Pig-tails! Her hair is really growing. It's out of control most of the time. She does not care for bows at all, but if I can get a rubberband in it while she is distracted with something else, she usually doesn't mess with it (right away anyway)!

   I love you Emily baby!


  1. i love my emily baby! such a sweet pic of her sleeping. i need to take more of campbell sleeping.

  2. You are doing much better on the potty training than I have ever done!! Garrison is 3 and we aren't there yet! Congrats on that, and having another girl! I always wanted a sister!!
